Thursday, March 19, 2009

Regaining Yourself from Anxiety through self help books

From Panic to Power is a powerful account of how Lucinda Bassett overcome her anxiety disorder to gain back her life. A proven bestseller with over 72,000 copies sold, offers ways and self proven techniques for people severely hit by these depressive periods. This is the ideal anxiety resource book that really inspires many.

Bassett's very effective system as written in this anxiety self help book that educates people how to view life differently and respond in a more relaxed manner is now allowing people from all over the world to experience being able to bring out their doubts, fears and anxieties into positive energy and personal freedom. The methods introduced in the ultimate anxiety self help book by Bassett lets those who suffer from this dilemma achieve a new understanding of their own being and the challenges they individually face when dealing with anxiety. The anxiety booklet aims to teach effective tactics that would help change negative self-talk and worry habits into recently discovered compassion and confidence.

Lucinda Bassett is critically acclaimed to be a motivational genius and dynamic speaker. She has appeared in numerous infomercials and offers proven techniques to do away with anxiety disorder and to, once again, regain control over on oneself.

From Panic to Power is surely to keep readers glued in excitement as Lucinda discusses in vivid detail on how anxiety is handled from the time of discovery. Options are shown together with the possible things that can be encountered and should be expected. Discussion further proceeds to allow the readers get a grip of the malady they're dealing with and ways to confirm if you are positive with such a problem. Admitting one's weakness is commonly difficult. Bassett guides the concerned individual to manage and control his condition

The following chapters tackles acceptance of the dilemma and identification of oneself with the issues involved during attacks. It also gives a thorough discussion interrelating anxiety with various personality patterns.

In gist, Lucinda Bassett carefully detailed in this anxiety help book the definition of the disorder, how and why some people get to have it. The target audience of this best selling published document on anxiety is not limited to those with the disorder but is also a good source of information for the friends and love ones of the patient. It is also a very useful tool for people who would like to understand anxiety more so that they could apply the knowledge they will gain, to basic situations where they encounter people with anxiety disorder.

From Panic to Power is Lucinda Bassett's testimony of showing the world the anxiety is not like cancer or AIDS. It is something that is highly curable and with the right kind of knowledge together with a compassionate and understanding environment, any person can easily combat this disorder.

It all takes one step at a time. From Panic to Power is an anxiety support book which is truly another addition to the library of literary and medical books worthy of acclaim due to its passionate detail and the warm touch it extends to readers.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Help with anxiety can come in many different ways

One of my friends has anxiety and I really wanted to help him and I wasn't sure how so I did some research on the internet and came up with a few different ways for him. Hopefully my ideas can help someone else too if your're lost when seeking help for your anxiety

If you have anxiety, the most common questions are how and where to get help and what help is available. Fortunately, there are quite a few good options available.

1- Ask your friends and family: Often, sharing your thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend or family member can bring relief or help you put things in perspective. This is because your beloveds are usually the nearest to you and can give you the first-hand support.

2- Read books: If you’ve a taste for reading, books offer the best support by saving you a lifetime's search and changing your life positively. Go to your local library, ask your doctor / counselor, and search online. Just be sure of what type of read you’re exactly looking for. Learn as much as you can as education is the key in managing your fears.

3- Join Anxiety Support Groups: Talking to others with the same problem can often make you feel a lot better. Therefore, groups can be a great way of meeting and connecting with people who really know what you're going through. They also offer lots of helpful tips and advice to help you deal with your attacks. Support groups can be located by doing an on-line search for your specific geographical territory or through your local phone directory.

4- Crises lines serve as a powerful means of treating acute anxiety. There are counselors who are well-trained and well-equipped to walk you through an episode of anxiety. Crises lines are also an excellent avenue for finding other resources you may need such as anxiety support groups, the nearest emergency rooms etc. You can find the crisis line number in any phone book, or by searching online.

5- Search for institutes and organizations: There are many government and private institutes and organizations which provide free knowledge on anxiety. Some examples are Institute of Mental Health, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Mental Health America and National Alliance on Mental Illness; all offer a variety of individual and group counseling and psychiatric services.

6- Go online: There are several useful websites dedicated to providing information, relief, and support for those suffering or recovering from anxiety. These sites may feature self tests and self-help strategies to combat anxiety. There are online-therapies, anxiety management techniques and courses available. You can also sign-up for newsletters, blogs, mailing lists / web rings and forums to share your own and view others’ views on the same.

7- Try audiovisual support: According to some clinical studies, audiovisual distraction is the most effective means of managing the anxiety especially in children. You can also get some great records and CD's containing a variety of meditations, details on yoga performance and / or relaxation methods.

8- Approach counselors or psychologists: A professional counselor or a psychologist, who is on call 24 hours a day, can help you assess your anxiety level. You can also learn and practice relaxation techniques. Often, counseling can help you to identify thought patterns that worsen your anxiety and generate more positive ways to think about your life.

9- Consult your doctor or psychiatrist: While many think that medications should be the last resort for tackling anxiety, at times, you may need a health care professional to find out whether you need a medicine to manage your symptoms. However, do remember, it is always yours choice whether or not to pursue medical treatment.

In short, dealing with anxiety attacks can be challenging but by trying different approaches you should be able to find one that is best for you. The good news is, if managed properly, the treatment of anxiety is often successful. Therefore, get help as soon as possible. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can recover